Monday, September 7, 2009

Mereka adalah ahli UMNO yang tidak boleh lagi meminta wang perlindungan di kilang-kilang haram sejak PR mengambilalih. Dulu senang-senang mereka boleh pau RM20-30 ribu sebulan tapi sekarang? Soru sudah miss.. ini toyol yang dah setahun tak makan!

Tengok gambar mereka yang hodoh lagi hina itu! -zanie

UMNO goons, Toyol Morons, KJ Rempits, Baruah Nasional, rednecks, racist, bigots, etc. Call them whatever you want. They are an insult to their parents, race and religion. Pathetic scumbags of Mother Earth. -OngJJJ

These are the hooligans sent by the BN to stir up tension. Beware and not falling into their traps. They have no other issue against the PR. So they are now using religion and race factor.They are waiting for other race to respond so that they can use this as reasons to create tension.So exercise restrain. It could be a time bomb. -Al-Ambia

* ini adalah golongan munafik yang menganggap mereka beragama islam tapi tidak mengikut ajaran islam , ini adalah golongan munafik


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